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General FAQs

What is the Winter Protocol?

The Winter Protocol is an open-source turn-key solution for traceability and tokenization technology developed by zenGate Global. It is specifically tailored for eUTXO blockchains and is agnostic to the standard used for recording traceability data.

What are the main components of the Winter Protocol?

The main components of the Winter Protocol include:

  • Trace Events: Object, Aggregation, Transformation, Association, Transaction, and Error Declaration events.
  • Off-Chain Components: Metadata standard, Ergo library (winter-ts), and Cardano library (winter-cardano).

Which blockchains does the Winter Protocol support?

Currently, the Winter Protocol supports eUTXO-based blockchains, specifically Ergo and Cardano. However, the protocol is designed to be blockchain-agnostic and can be extended to support other eUTXO blockchains in the future.

Is the Winter Protocol open-source?

Yes, the Winter Protocol is open-source and available on GitHub. Ergo repos are under construction!

How can I contribute to the Winter Protocol?

You can contribute to the Winter Protocol by submitting issues, feature requests, or pull requests on the respective GitHub repositories. We welcome contributions from the community to help improve and expand the protocol.