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Technical FAQs

What programming languages are used in the Winter Protocol?

The Winter Protocol libraries are primarily written in TypeScript. The Ergo library (winter-ts) and Cardano library (winter-cardano) are both implemented in TypeScript.

What are the dependencies of the Winter Protocol libraries?

The Winter Protocol libraries have minimal dependencies to ensure ease of use and compatibility. The specific dependencies may vary depending on the library version. You can refer to the respective library's documentation or package.json file for the exact dependencies.

How can I customize the Winter Protocol for my specific use case?

The Winter Protocol provides a flexible and extensible framework that allows for customization. You can extend the existing event types, add new event types, and modify the metadata structure to fit your specific use case. The libraries provide APIs and toolsets to facilitate customization.

Is there documentation available for the Winter Protocol libraries?

This is the documentation page. Refer to Cardano and Backend for Cardano development. Ergo docs are still in progress.